Diamond also seems to allow for better charges at off angles to the current facing. However, the unit has a speed reduction to represent them staying tightly grouped, so these formations should only be engaged when near to the enemy.ĭiamond narrows the formation more than Wedge and is therefore more effective at getting through without excessive contact, and seems to maintain tightness of formation better during manoeuvre as the wide tail of the wedge is quite unwieldy. Stuck horsemen tend to bring the whole unit back and this is less likely to occur when in these formations. In terms of handling, these two formations seem to leave fewer stragglers behind after impact and therefore provide more reliable control during combat including follow on charges.
Not as effective in terms of straight up damage as a line formation, it can weaken the morale of the enemy (who tend to suffer flank/rear attack penalties due to the split) and allows cavalry to get to rear units (generals and artillery) more quickly than flanking. They allow the cavalry unit to pierce through an infantry unit, splitting it in half and being able to continue through without getting caught due to fewer cavalrymen making contact with the enemy. The trade off is reduced speed and less contact on the charge. Wedge and Diamond have two main effects: a) tightening up the formation so stragglers are less likely and the unit maintains cohesion and b) makes the unit push further into an enemy unit before stopping. Also, the looseness can mean that in the course of battle you need to stop the unit to reform so that charges are effective. Disadvantages are the troopers tend to get caught more as they stop to fight anyone they contact. It may not sound like much, but you’d be surprised at the impact of better audio.Wedge/DiamondThe advantage of the standard cavalry formation is that the troops move fastest while in it, and when spread wide it maximises the contact point with the enemy in a frontal charge. Some of the sounds were even taken from real-world weapon fires! Everything from muskets, cannons, mortars, and even player deaths now sound more realistic.
The realism of each battle is taken to a whole new level with simple changes in audio. Starting with the Ultimate Soundmod, a compilation pack of the best sound mods for NTW.Ĭommunity member LochKopf took what he thought were the best sound updates from 6 different packs and the result is amazing. With the epic recreations of historic warfare, modders have continued to make small improvements to make battles feel more realistic.
Total War has always been about the thrill of battle. Well if custom gaming is in your ballpark, give these mods a go for an updated experience. But maybe vanilla is getting a bit stale by now… The 6th installment of the franchise, Napoleon, sees you take on the role of Napoleon Bonaparte. You can choose to play anything from medieval times, to Rome, Japan, or even the fantasy-themed Warhammer.
With so many Total War titles to choose from, it’s easiest to just pick out what scenario interests you the most and jump on it.